I made a website to list my study notes. It’s at its infancy. Check here https://english.sn.blackpiratex.com/ The SSL cert should be working few mins later.
I was depressed so I revamed the home website. Bookmarks now has more links.
Minor fixes also.
Added 4 more books in notes website. Total books 16. The hugo version of notes website has been upgraded to version 0.121.2. latest features are used. The book page now has book cover, background has a oval shape which matches the cover image color. Book title background also matches the book cover color. Good night.
New blog post: The Hyprland Experience. Also blog website got a redesign.
Revamped my whole gallery website. Can’t figure out how to remove the extra margin on mobile.
I’m getting so pro, used a JavaScript library to make my gallery look sexy
Updated my website theme(1 day ago), it now follows newcss.net css framework.
Redesigned blog to make it more minimalistic. Added option to change theme in status page.
I’m getting bored of this green black color scheme of my website, want something new.
Tried to make a page for hobbies (it’s halfway done), I’m getting rusty.
I’m thinking about making my gallery page as so that I would be able to add images from my phone. Right now it’s possible but bit hacky way of doing things.
website ideas
Website changelog:
Website changelog:
Status Website:
Website ToDo:
I seriously need to find a way to optimize images. 3-4 megabytes of images are totally unacceptable on web. 3g network or even 4g would have a hard time loading it. If you think you can help me with that I’ll appreciate it. Contact here.
New post on my blog: https://blog.blackpiratex.com/streaming-on-spotify-vs-using-mp3s/
I did some UI/UX tweaks on this status website.
That’s all.
This website is now hosted on Vercel. I can’t host it on netlify because my repo is private. :-;
Translating my website into Bengali is way too much hassle, and feels a bit cringe. I am not sure if I should translate or not.
Translating my website into bengali. So far did two pages. Check out one here:
This website is more than one month old!! It feels like just YESTERDAY I made this!
Website V3.0 is live now!! Consistent design and more minimal. Check: https://blackpiratex.com
meta website