Status By BlackPirateX

Quick one liner thoughts, that comes to my mind.

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22 Jan 2024 | 02:27

Added 4 more books in notes website. Total books 16. The hugo version of notes website has been upgraded to version 0.121.2. latest features are used. The book page now has book cover, background has a oval shape which matches the cover image color. Book title background also matches the book cover color. Good night.



21 Jan 2024 | 21:47

This made my day!


21 Jan 2024 | 06:51

Yesterday I met a guy who wanted to meet me in person, because he liked my website. That made my day lol.


10 Jan 2024 | 17:03

Hey, I’m back. I forgot the GitHub account 2 step verification. Yes that’s my excuse.


02 Dec 2023 | 21:36

Today was a shit day. Hope it gets better.


26 Nov 2023 | 17:36

Finally figured out how to install genuine Photoshop (not modded) without paying. hehe

21 Jan 2024 at 06:50

24 Nov 2023 | 19:46

All or none law for action potential is a lot like 1 and 0 in computers.


20 Nov 2023 | 07:18

Yesterday was a shit day. Hopefully today is better.


04 Nov 2023 | 00:16

Changed custom rom after so many months. I am trying to fix the battery issue. I think it was the kernel. Let’s see.


29 Oct 2023 | 20:04

In future people will do treasure hunt for password.


19 Oct 2023 | 00:15

I hate festivals, they suck


18 Oct 2023 | 23:29

It’s lonely and sad


14 Oct 2023 | 12:36

Wrote this big fat command to download youtube video

20 Nov 2023 at 07:22

11 Oct 2023 | 19:52

I’m craving coffee, but promised mom, not until Durga Puja


02 Oct 2023 | 22:48

This much I wrote from Feb to till now. Not much, but definitely proud of it.


02 Oct 2023 | 21:38

Pressure of studies as soon as I recovered is making me lose all my free time. Sigh


29 Sep 2023 | 00:49

When someone acknowledges their shortcomings, being honest, it’s just so sweet


18 Sep 2023 | 17:09

Hey. So long. Life update: Sick for so long. Viral fever, doc said.


05 Sep 2023 | 06:39

Drank coffee after almost two months. Forgot how much I loved it.


30 Aug 2023 | 18:23

Syncthing is one of the best syncing app. Just love it.


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