I read 10 books last year (2022), two books less than my goal. 5 of them are from Murakami.
I’m not gonna remember word by word. I need to know the gist, and main key points, then I’ll arrange it with my own words.
Happy New year everyone. My new year resolution would be to exercise more and take a selfie everyday.
It’s been long since I posted here. I’m being infrequent, as I’m getting busy with life.
Using food color as Fountain pen ink. It’s as good as Fountain pen inks, if not better. I like the color of blue. It’s turquoise but little bit in the darker side.
Oh and, exam went better than I expected. Got little help from a classmate.
I love writing journal on diary. It feels better. Better than writing digitally.
Going to give my first college exam today. Let’s see how good or bad it goes.