“If something is important enough, a little mistake isn’t going to ruin it all, or make it vanish.”
Source: Colorless Tsukuru Tazaki and His Years of Pillgrimage, c17
17 Apr 2023 at 07:02
In future I want to digitize old entries of my journal and publish them online on my website. I don’t wanna do that just yet, because of privacy reasons, and not sure if im comfortable with sharing those entries.
I want to move away from Spotify So bad. But I don’t know how I’m going to achieve that.
One key thing that’s missing from my websites is search function. Gotta find a way to do it.
There was a fucking APN problem on my phone. Couldn’t figure out why some websites refuse to load.
All the book notes are now available on new notes website: notes.blackpiratex.com
Updated my website theme(1 day ago), it now follows newcss.net css framework.
My new favourite black ink is going to be this Sheaffer black ink.
Redesigned blog to make it more minimalistic. Added option to change theme in status page.
Today I learnt how to read write cookies using javascript. Feeling like a pro XD.
Installed Arch Linux. First time successfully on hardware. I forgot how fast Pacman is, or shall I say how slow dnf is.